Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Patience and Taking Turns

Remember in kindergarten when we had to line up single file and take turns at the water fountain? It's funny how we were being taught those skills at such a young age so that we could carry them through life but somehow, we lose them along the way. I left Atlanta yesterday and went through 4 states in 6 1/2 hours. I have to say that Kentucky has the nicest drivers. They really do follow the rules of driving on the right and passing on the left. When getting on and off the highway, they take turns and are polite to let others in. I am a control freak when it comes to being behind the wheel but I have definitely learned a lesson for the rest of my trip.

Have patience on the road. Be nice and let others in.

Thanks for listening!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hundreds of Gulf-area pets homeless

Many of you know my love of animals. I do not believe that they are just animals but are a part of the family as well. I do have a tendency to treat my dogs as humans, however, to be fair they do behave better than some humans out there. When a disaster happens to a neighborhood, town, or even a region, it is important for us to remember that it isn't just the humans that are affected. Because of the oil spill in the Gulf, there are hundreds of animals that have no home, or have died. Below are a few links to check out. Copy and paste them into your browser and who knows... you might be able to find $5 to donate or quite possibly even have a new member of your family.

Thanks for listening!





Thursday, July 8, 2010

Extra books?

Summer is here and a lot of extra reading is getting done. Not only are you reading more while on vacation but perhaps your children are on the summer reading program. As your children grow up, what can you do with their baby/children's books? Certainly you don't want to keep all of those books cluttering up your house. Whether you have extra books that are yours or your child's, take them to a local orphanage or even a nursing home.

Things to include would be books, magazines, newspapers, and even catalogs.

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Take a Chance

In two weeks I am heading out for LA. I am getting in my car and driving across the country to take a chance. I am doing an internship with a charitable foundation that The Cheesecake Factory started. There I will be working with the Director learning how to start and run fundraising events. I made a commitment to myself this year that I was going to help others more. I have started and continued this blog. I have rode a bike for MS. I have done many volunteer "jobs". I have collected shoes for the people of Haiti. I have collected soda tabs that turn into money, and more. This I believe to be my greatest commitment thus far.

When I return from LA, I will be working on projects to raise money for groups such as The Ronald McDonald House, Make-A-Wish Foundation, and more. I have never done this before but believe that we can all do a little more to help others. And wether or not you realize it, when you are helping others, you end up helping yourself too.

Take a chance and volunteer. Just one day a month is a great place to start. Below is a website where you can go to find somewhere to help others. Make it fun and bring the family.

Members Project / TakePart Social Action Network: Important Issues, Activism, Environmental, Human Rights, Political News

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