Thursday, August 19, 2010
Back to School
With all of this "new" going on I have to wonder where is the old and what is being done with it? As you are reorganizing your closest or classrooms (for all you teachers out there), please consider making a difference in a young child or teenagers life. Pass those clothes on that don't fit anymore. Donate those supplies to an orphanage where kids of all ages and use them for their studies.
Have a great year of school!
Thanks for listening!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Patience and Taking Turns
Have patience on the road. Be nice and let others in.
Thanks for listening!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Hundreds of Gulf-area pets homeless
Thanks for listening!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Extra books?
Things to include would be books, magazines, newspapers, and even catalogs.
Thanks for listening!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Take a Chance
When I return from LA, I will be working on projects to raise money for groups such as The Ronald McDonald House, Make-A-Wish Foundation, and more. I have never done this before but believe that we can all do a little more to help others. And wether or not you realize it, when you are helping others, you end up helping yourself too.
Take a chance and volunteer. Just one day a month is a great place to start. Below is a website where you can go to find somewhere to help others. Make it fun and bring the family.
Members Project / TakePart Social Action Network: Important Issues, Activism, Environmental, Human Rights, Political News
Thanks for Listening!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Mistakes and Change
Now heading to the US Open, many times you are planing for yourself. There has been the longest game in history (3 days). What would have happened to John Isner if they would have given his body a full day of much needed rest before his next match? Maybe he would have not gotten creamed. Maybe he would have lost still but don't you think that much like a pitcher in baseball, rest is needed. There have also been many upsets. The Williams sisters are out of the doubles, and #1 Roger Federer literally just got beat by the #12 seed. What a boost this gives #12 Tomas Berdych from Chech Republic!
With all the hype for the big players in whatever sport it may be, change is good. Change brings new and exciting drama to the sport. Change brings new/old talent up for more recognition. Change brings interest and intrigue. If the same team/person were to win each and every year, it would get boring.
The same is said for our own lives. Change is good. Change doesn't have to be big or elaborate. Maybe it is a date night with your honey. A special day with your kids. A change in wardrobe, hair, or shoes. Change could be a different place to eat out this week. Change could be making a phone call instead of sending a text or an email. What if you took that day with your kids and you went to the local food pantry and bagged food? What if the place you went out to eat was donating a percentage of your bill to help the children's hospital? What if the change in your wardrobe meant that while you were getting something new for yourself, you were donating your old stuff to the homeless? What if by calling someone you brightened their day just because they heard your voice and they passed along the happiness to others?
Change is good. We all need change.
Thanks for listening,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Eat out for LESS MONEY!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Politeness and Manners
I moved on to the next store. While shopping in the store, it was nothing different than I would experience on a normal day. The associates were polite and helpful but nothing more. And to be honest, nothing more was expected. I finished my purchases and began walking out of the mall, I noticed about half a dozen people just staring at me on my way out to the parking garage. I understand that it isn't everyday you see someone walking around with a bit boot on their leg but still... It isn't nice to stare.
When I entered the parking garage, I went to the elevator. I parked up on the 2nd level. I waited for about 5 minutes for the elevator and it never came. As I was about to gather my bags and head up the 4 flights of stairs, a few girls were coming down. One said to me, "Ma'am," like I am old or something, "I think the elevator is stuck on an upper floor." I thanked her and began heading up the stairs. I had 3 heavy bags full of purchases and my purse (which really should be considered a bag itself). As I rounded the the top of the first flight of stairs a teenage boy and his father were passing me on their way down. The boys were approaching me first. The first passed, the second slowed down, stopped and asked me if I would like some help with my bags. I respectfully declined as I did earlier but I was pleased to see a kid with manners.
So often as children we are taught manners and know when to use them, but choose not too. And as parents we hope that what we instill in our children stays with them and they choose to take what they have learned and use it correctly. Not only was I happy to see a teenager with manners, but I was also proud of his parents for teaching him what is right.
Thanks for listening!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
It's not all about you.
You can find events to attend in your area to help others. If you have an event that you are hosting and would like to post for others to see, you can post it on there as well.
Find programs and people who care about helping others. Share in their stories, be inspired and get ideas on what you can do to help those less fortunate not only around you but far away.
This site is about how active citizens can bring about social change. Jonathan Tisch wrote a book and is helping to change the world. He is sharing his secrets with us. You can post your story and also find places to volunteer.
It is important to remember that while volunteering makes us feel good, it is not about us. It is about those in need. If you find a cause that is important to you, ask them what they need help with the most.
Thanks for listening!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Other times there are struggles within ourselves. For instance it could be what we want to be when we grow up, how to deal with a loss in our life, or simply a way to get through the day. It is hard to deal with these struggles as there is no cure, there is no remedy and there is no definite end. When times like this arise, I am reminded of a sign that my friend has hanging by her front door. Much like the Footprints poem, remember you are not alone. Her sign reads:
"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. When God takes something from your grasp, He is not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. Something good will happen to you today."
I hope you have a fantastic day and that you will remember the above quote when you have a struggle of any kind.
Thanks for listening,
Saturday, May 8, 2010
MS Bike Ride
As I prepared for my ride, I was also planning travel, working, and continuing to fundraise for MS. We left and were off to the Martha's Vineyard. The weather was fantastic! Apparently the last 3 or 4 years it was just cold. People were wearing earmuff and gloves. This year it was upper 70's and sunny. I told everyone that I packed the sun in my suitcase and brought it with me from Atlanta. I actually have suntan lines on my legs from my bike shorts.
There are a lot of hills in Martha's Vineyard. I had no idea! The first 23 miles were nothing but hills but after that, it was a slight incline and riding along the coastline. Just beautiful! I finished in just under 6 hours with 3 water breaks and a 20 minute lunch break. 6 hours was my goal so I am very pleased with myself.
All in all I raised nearly $2,500 for MS and had the experience of a lifetime! I was able to ride for those who can't. I was able to ride for those who some can't even walk. I was able to raise money from family and friends to help find a cure for MS.
Thank you all who donated and supported me throughout the journey.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Thank You!
Thanks for listening.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Shoes for children - TOMS Shoes
One Day Without Shoes is the day we spread awareness about the impact a simple pair of shoes can have on a child’s life. On April 8th, we ask people to go the day, part of the day or even just a few minutes, barefoot, to experience a life without shoes first-hand, and inspire others at the same time.
You must OFFICIALLY register at to be entered to WIN a TOMS Shoe Drop!!
. . Why would a shoe company sponsor an event to not wear shoes...
Why would a company GIVE away a pair of shoes for every pair they sold? Sure, it might sound crazy at first but One Day Without Shoes expresses everything we stand for: educating consumers about the impact a pair of shoes can have on a child's like and empowering them with simple actions that address the need for shoes. Learn more at
. . Sorry, I work... I can't participate!
There are a ton of creative ways to participate in One Day Without Shoes. Walk for an hour barefoot after work, plan a barefoot evening event or breakfast with friends, participate simply by sharing the message with friends who are able go with no shoes. The possibilities are endless, and people are getting creative. There are plenty of events all across the country: search by zip code at
. . Will i get in trouble for not wearing shoes??
We hope not. But we've anticipated your coworkers, teachers, principals, or community leaders having questions. We have a letter you can download and send to them at Go check it out!
- Find events in your area or create your own event by visiting
Fact #1:In some developing nations, children must walk for miles to food, clean water and to seek medical help.
Fact #2:Cuts and sores on feet can lead to serious infection.
Fact #3:Often, children cannot attend school barefoot.
Fact #4:In Ethiopia, approximately one million people are suffering from Podoconiosis, a debilitating and disfiguring disease caused by walking barefoot in volcanic soil.
Fact #5: Podoconiosis is 100% preventable by wearing shoes.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
How is Autism Diagnosed?
There are no medical tests for diagnosing autism. An accurate diagnosis must be based on observation of the individual’s communication, behavior, and developmental levels. However, because many of the behaviors associated with autism are shared by other disorders, various medical tests may be ordered to rule out or identify other possible causes of the symptoms exhibited.
A diagnosis of autism is based on the standards set forth in a diagnostic handbook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, now in its fourth edition (DSM-IV). The diagnosis of autism is made when a specified number of characteristics listed in the DSM-IV are present in ranges inappropriate for the child’s age. By comparison, a diagnosis of PDD-NOS may be made when a child exhibits fewer symptoms than in autism, although those symptoms may be exactly the same as those in a child with an autism diagnosis. Asperger’s disorder tends to involve symptoms more markedly different than those seen in autism, although there are some similarities.
A brief observation in a single setting cannot present a true picture of an individual’s abilities and behaviors. Parental input and developmental history are very important components of making an accurate diagnosis. At first glance, persons with autism may appear to have mental retardation, a behavior disorder, problems with hearing, or even odd and eccentric behavior. To complicate matters further, these conditions can co-occur in autism. However, it is important to distinguish autism from other disorders so that an appropriate and effective educational and treatment plan can be determined.
Most professionals will agree that there is no standard “type” or “typical” person with autism. Parents may hear more that one label applied to the same child: for example, autistic-like, communication disorder with autistic tendencies, significant developmental delay with autistic tendencies, high functioning or low functioning autism, mild or moderate or severe autism. These labels don’t describe the differences between the children as much as they may indicate differences in professionals’ training, vocabulary and exposure to autism. More important than the term used is to understand that, whatever the diagnosis, children and adults with autism can learn and function productively and show gains with appropriate education and treatment.
Many professionals still argue whether Asperger’s is truly a form of autism. Some professionals believe the distinction between autism and PDD-NOS is not significant. Some may believe they are “sparing” the parents by giving a diagnosis of PDD-NOS rather than autism. Unfortunately, this can lead to failure to obtain the appropriate services for the child. It is important to understand that whatever the type of autism diagnosis, these children are likely to benefit from similar approaches to education and treatment. We cannot stress enough, the importance of securing a timely and accurate diagnosis.
What Causes Autism?
Medical researchers are exploring different explanations for the various forms of autism. Although no one cause of autism is known, current research links autism to biological or neurological differences in the brain. Scans such as the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and PET (Positron Emission Tomography) show abnormalities in the structure of the brain, with significant differences within the cerebellum including the size and number or Purkinje cells. In some families there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities. This suggests there is a genetic basis to the disorder, although no one gene has been directly linked to autism. In all likelihood, research will show that several genes are involved.
Several previous theories about the cause of autism have been proven false. Autism is not a mental illness. Children with autism are not unruly kids who choose not to behave. Autism is not caused by bad parenting. Furthermore, no known psychological factors in the development of the child have been shown to cause autism.
Here are some helpful websites if you want to learn more.
Thanks for listening!
Monday, April 5, 2010
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
SIDS is the sudden death of an infant under one year of age which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation, including performance of a complete autopsy, examination of the death scene, and review of the clinical history. (Willinger et al, 1991).
In a typical situation parents check on their supposedly sleeping infant to find him or her dead. This is the worst tragedy parents can face, a tragedy which leaves them with a sadness and a feeling of vulnerability that lasts throughout their lives. Since medicine can not tell them why their baby died, they blame themselves and often other innocent people. Their lives and those around them are changed forever.
In the last 25 years the rate of SIDS has gone dramatically down. However, since the death is unexplainable, it it hard to know how to prevent it. There are some things that can be done to help reduce the risk of SIDS. So, What can be done?
Unfortunately, we cannot expect to prevent all SIDS deaths now. To do so requires a much greater understanding of SIDS, which will be achieved only with a commitment from those who value babies and with a considerably expanded research effort. However, there are things that can be done to reduce the risk of SIDS.
1. Get medical care early in pregnancy, preferably within the first three months, followed by regular checkups at the doctor's office or health clinic. Make every effort to assure good nutrition. These measures can reduce the risk of premature birth, a major risk factor for SIDS.
2. Do not smoke, use cocaine, or use heroin. Tobacco, cocaine, or heroin use during pregnancy increases the infant's risk for SIDS.
3. Don’t get pregnant during the teenage years. If you are a teen and already have one infant, take extreme caution not to become pregnant again. The SIDS rate decreases for babies born to older mothers. It is highest for babies born to teenage mothers. The more babies a teen mother has, the greater at risk they are.
4. Wait at least one year between the birth of a child and the next pregnancy.The shorter the interval between pregnancies, the higher the SIDS rate.
1. Place infants to sleep on their backs, even though they may sleep more soundly on their stomachs. Infants who sleep on their stomachs and sides have a much higher rate of SIDS than infants who sleep on their backs.
2. Place infants to sleep in a baby bed with a firm mattress. There should be nothing in the bed but the baby - no covers, no pillows, no bumper pads, no positioning devices and no toys. Soft mattresses and heavy covering are associated with the risk for SIDS.
3. Keep your baby’s crib in the parents’ room until the infant is at least 6 months of age. Studies clearly show that infants are safest when their beds are close to their mothers.
4. Do not place your baby to sleep in an adult bed. Typical adult beds are not safe for babies. Do not fall asleep with your baby on a couch or in a chair.
5. Do not over-clothe the infant while she sleeps. Just use enough clothes to keep the baby warm without having to use cover. Keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for you. Overheating an infant may increase the risk for SIDS.
6. Avoid exposing the infant to tobacco smoke. Don't have your infant in the same house or car with someone who is smoking. The greater the exposure to tobacco smoke, the greater the risk of SIDS.
7. Breast-feed babies whenever possible. Breast milk decreases the occurrence of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Studies show that breast-fed babies have a lower SIDS rate than formula-fed babies do.
8. Avoid exposing the infant to people with respiratory infections. Avoid crowds. Carefully clean anything that comes in contact with the baby. Have people wash their hands before holding or playing with your baby. SIDS often occurs in association with relatively minor respiratory (mild cold) and gastrointestinal infections (vomiting and diarrhea).
9. Offer your baby a pacifier. Some studies have shown a lower rate of SIDS among babies who use pacifiers.
10. If your baby has periods of not breathing, going limp or turning blue, tell your pediatrician at once.
11. If your baby stops breathing or gags excessively after spitting up, discuss this with your pediatrician immediately.
12. Thoroughly discuss each of the above points with all caregivers. If you take your baby to daycare or leave him with a sitter, provide a copy of this list to them. Make sure they follow all recommendations.
Give a cash donation. Send a check or make a donation on-line ( with a credit card. If this donation is in memory of a SIDS infant or another loved one, an acknowledgement will be sent to the family of the deceased.
Hold an Event. An event to benefit the American SIDS Institute can help raise awareness about SIDS while raising much needed funds for research. For information about fundraising events call 1-800-232-7437 and ask for the Director of Development.
Donate Stock. By donating stock you can fight SIDS and probably receive a charitable tax deduction and avoid capital gains taxes at the same time. If you would like information about stock donations or planned giving call 1-800-232-7437.
Shop and Help Fight SIDS. Although the Institute does not endorse products we have entered into co-marketing agreements with several companies. The companies have agreed to provide us with a certain amount of money for every product sold. Therefore, if you are considering buying products such as those featured on our website, please buy those products that provide money for our research.
Donate an Auction Item. If you have an item(s) that you would like to donate for our silent or live auctions please call the American SIDS Institute 1-800-232-7437.
Use a Planned Giving Strategy. Talk to your financial advisor about building the American SIDS Institute into your planned giving strategy. Call the Institute and request a planned giving brochure.
In whatever way you choose to give, know that you are helping to defeat the number one cause of death in infants from one month to one year of age. Thank you!
Thanks for listening!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Heart Disease
Some ways to prevent heart disease are:
* quit smoking (I know this hard. I have done it myself.)
* lower your cholesterol
* control your high blood pressure
* maintain a healthy weight
* exercise
If you would like to know more and learn more about Heart Disease click on one of the following links:
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Helping those with Lupus
Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years. In lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs ("foreign invaders," like the flu). Normally our immune system produces proteins called antibodies that protect the body from these invaders. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between these foreign invaders and your body’s healthy tissues ("auto" means "self") and creates autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue. These autoantibodies cause inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body.
Lupus is also a disease of flares (the symptoms worsen and you feel ill) and remissions (the symptoms improve and you feel better). Lupus can range from mild to life-threatening and should always be treated by a doctor. With good medical care, most people with lupus can lead a full life.
Lupus is not contagious, not even through sexual contact. You cannot "catch" lupus from someone or "give" lupus to someone.
Lupus is not like or related to cancer. Cancer is a condition of malignant, abnormal tissues that grow rapidly and spread into surrounding tissues. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, as described above.
Lupus is not like or related to HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) or AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). In HIV or AIDS the immune system is underactive; in lupus, the immune system is overactive.
Our research estimates that at least 1.5 million Americans have lupus. The actual number may be higher; however, there have been no large-scale studies to show the actual number of people in the U.S. living with lupus.
It is believed that 5 million people throughout the world have a form of lupus.
Lupus strikes mostly women of childbearing age (15-44). However, men, children, and teenagers develop lupus, too.
Women of color are 2-3 times more likely to develop lupus.
People of all races and ethnic groups can develop lupus.
More than 16,000 new cases of lupus are reported annually across the country
Please click to find out more information such as what causes lupus, the different forms of lupus, symptoms, and how to diagnos lupus.
* donate money
* walk for lupus
* conduct a health fair
* become an advocate
* find your local office and volunteer using your administrative abilities
You can find all this information and more at
Thanks for listening!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Coupons & Discounts
Have fun shopping!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Better Yourself
As you know I am in training for a 62.5 mile bike ride for Multiple Sclerosis. I am taking one thing at a time and while procrastinating on the internet (and a Facebook friend) I have found a great website that helps us new exercisers learn to do things right and not to over do it.
Today's blog is to help yourself. Get up off the couch, go for a run, a ride, or just do some sit-ups during the commercials. Anything to get going. Summer is on the way and we will all want to be outside as much as possible.
Thanks for listening!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Call a cab or find a sober driver
Have fun and Happy St. Patty's Day to ya!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Coupons & Discounts
Become a fan (on Facebook) of Physicians Formula for a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Coupon (up to $19.99)! All you need to do is click on the 'register now' button after becoming a fan. I had to click on this twice before the registration form appeared. After registering you will receive your coupon via e-mail.
"Papa's In The House" HOOPS Sweepstakes
Enter NOW to win everything you need – a flat screen TV, Papa John's pizza and Coke Zero - for viewing great NCAA® Division I Men's and Women’s Championship Basketball Games!
Many Walgreens across the country have Sally Hershberger Shampoos &
Conditioners (originally $9 - $12) on clearance for $2.39! Use the $2.00 off coupon on RedPlum to make these $0.39! Keep
in mind that prices may vary by location and not all Walgreens will have this as a clearance item but it is definitely worth checking out!
From the Coldwater Creek Facebook Fan Page: Through Thursday, 3/11/10, you will receive $25 off of your $50 purchase at Coldwater Creek. Just use the coupon code: FB2550 online, in stores or by phone.
Become a fan of Panda Express on Facebook and then print a coupon for a free single entree of Honey Walnut Shrimp on Wednesday, March 10.
It's hard to come by gas coupons but here is one that you will want to print! Go here
to print a coupon to save $2 off a $10 gas purchase at Murphy USA.
These are located at Walmart stores! This offer expires 03/16/10.
Gas Coupons?! In the month of January, we had a pretty nice gas coupon. And from what we heard from all of you, you wanted to see more of the same from us! It can never be said that Murphy USA is not ...
Become fan of SunChips on FB and you will get a coupon for FREE Sunchips! (Offer is only for the first 100,000, so hurry)!
The North Face is offering a $10 Gift Certificate when you sign up for mobile text alerts. Keep in mind that text messaging rates will apply.
Value Mags is offering a free 10-issue digital subscription to Garden Design Magazine. These offers never last long so sign up now if your interested!
Free Offer for Garden Design Digital
Enjoy 10 digital issues to Garden Design. No strings attached. You'll never receive a bill.Garden Design is a lifestyle magazine designed for the upscale, design-conscious reader who is passionate about gardening and landscape design. ... for FREE samples and coupons
Become a Ruby Tuesday Fan on Facebook and get a printable coupon for a Free appetizer with a purchase of $10 or more!
Nescafe is offering a new sample of their Tasters Choice stick packs. All you need to do is become a fan and then click on the Nescafe Samples tab to register.
Pureology is offering 2 samples and you get to choose your favorite. Go here and choose from their SuperSmooth RelaxingSerum or SuperSmooth SmoothingCream! *They will select winners randomly for the free samples.
Pureology Giveaways
Kroger's website has a new Instant Win Game called Hit the Hoops! Basically, you shoot the basketball for a chance to win prizes, coupons or a $5.00 credit to your shoppers card!
Taste of Home has drastically marked down their cookbooks to clear out the warehouse! We're talking $5 a cookbook! I plan on buying a fair amount and stock up for back up gifts (yes even for Christmas)! Don't wait though, these
go fast! Email $5 Cookbook Special From Shop Taste of home | Shop Taste of Home $5 Cookbooks for our special customers
become a fan of Skittles on Facebook. After doing so, click on the “Coupon the Rainbow” tab and fill out the form to print a coupon valid for a FREE Skittles single serve product with the purchase of one!
Find out how restaurants across the country stack up, based on reviews and ratings from people who've eaten there.
Thanks so much Jennifer for all of your work in finding this information and passing it along. You are amazing!!
Thanks for listening and good luck to everyone!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Discount at Gap while they help the environment
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Where to find Volunteer Work
Put in your zip code and you can find tons of events and places to volunteer. Help someone out today and sign up!
Thanks for listening!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Here's how Half Off Depot works, in two easy steps:
1. You go to, select your city, and pick out gift certificates to your favorite businesses. You then purchase these gift certificates from us for half their face value.
2. Once your certificates arrive in the mail, you take each gift certificate to the business that issued it, and use the full value of your gift certificate (twicewhat you paid for it) toward your purchase there.
Seriously, that's all there is to it. Whatever you spent at, you will redeem twofold at the businesses you've selected. And you can expect to be treated as a first-class citizen, because the businesses aren't giving you anything for free — the other half of your gift certificate has already been paid for by our publishing partners. All that makes you is a smart shopper!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hospital Volunteer Work
Monday, February 22, 2010
Help Tide Help Others
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The United Way is Helping Others and Making A Difference
Volunteer Motivation and Motivating Volunteers
Earthquake in
But what motivates volunteers to serve our communities in equally important ways—to tutor a child, to work a shift at the food bank, or to advise a low-income family on their options with Earned Income Tax Credit? Volunteer motivation has been studied* extensively. Many of the top reasons why people volunteer will be familiar to
And three reasons why people continue to volunteer?
· They were ASKED!—A number of studies consistently conclude that a majority of people will volunteer—if simply asked. This is consistent throughout the world. The best way to recruit volunteers is to ask them—intentionally, deliberately. People want to "help out" if they can and if there are ways for them to be effectively engaged.
· They make a difference—People want to make a difference in the lives of others or in the community. Opportunities with impact are critical.
· They enjoyed the experience—Volunteering provides a variety of personal benefits and satisfaction to the volunteer, in addition to the benefits received by charities and society as a whole. People are more likely to volunteer for a second time if their first experience was satisfying.
Volunteer recognition programs, like
Wondering how to not motivate a volunteer? Josh Pedersen,
· Don't ask —Failing to ask appropriately is the first step in losing potential volunteers
· Give 'em Sunglasses—Blinding your volunteers to their role in your organization will certainly limit their engagement with your organization
· Be a Terrible Trivian—Giving your volunteers meaningless and trivial tasks will help them find substantial work elsewhere.
Read seven more ways to lose a volunteer, and the sequel!
*Studies include Volunteer Functions Inventory by Clary, et al;, Theory of Needs, McClelland; 3 Categories of Motivation, Fitch; Six Aspects of Adult Motivation, Wlodkowski; Volunteer Motivation Inventory, Esmond & Dunlop.
Volunteering and
Since the earthquake rocked
If you have prior disaster relief experience, have fluency in Creole and have expertise in technical fields such as medicine, communications logistics, water/sanitation engineering, we encourage you to register with the Center for International Disaster Information ( volunteer database.
As Haitians enter the
Longer-term support includes transitioning refugees from emergency shelters into appropriate housing and establishing a system of social services to help refugees settle in the community of their choice and achieve self-sufficiency. Please use the opportunity finder below or contact your local
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Help Others by Donating Blood
To learn more about blood donation opportunities, visit or
call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (1-800-448-3543).
Every minute of every day, someone needs blood. That blood can only come from a volunteer donor, a person like you who makes the choice to donate. There is no substitute for your donation.
When you make a blood donation, you join a very select group. Currently only 3 out of every 100 people in America donate blood.
From its beginning, the American Red Cross has formed a community of service, of generous, strong and decent people bound by beliefs beyond themselves. The American Red Cross blood donor embodies this principle. Please join us in our mission to maintain a safe and stable blood supply by making your appointment to donate blood today.
To find out where you can donate, visit or call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (1-800-448-3543).
Want to know if you're able to give blood? Review the donor eligibility guidelines.
Be in generally good health and feeling well. | |
Be at least 17 years of age; upper age 60 (420d*). | |
Weigh at least 110 pounds (45 kg). | |
Pulse: 80 to 100 beats/min and regular. | |
Temperature: Should not exceed 99.5 (37.5c). | |
Blood Pressure: acceptable range is 160/90 to 110/60. | |
Skin: the venipuncture site should be free of any lesion or scar of needle pricks indicative of addiction to narcotics or frequent Blood donation (as in the case of professional Blood donors). |
Whole Blood donors may donate every 56 days. | |
Plasma donors may donate twice a week (max. every 48 hours.) | |
Platelet donors may donate a maximum of 24 times per year. | |
Other specialized donations are subject to other rules. |
You have ever tested positive for HIV, | |
You have ever injected yourself with drugs or other substances not prescribed by a physician, | |
You are a man and have had sex with another man, even once, | |
You have hemophilia or another Blood clotting disorder and received clotting factor concentrate, | |
You have engaged in sex for drugs or money since 1977, | |
You have lived in western Europe since 1980, | |
You have been held in a correctional facility (including jails, prisons and/or detention centers) for more than 72 hours in the last 12 months, | |
You were born in, lived in or had sex with anyone who lived in, or received Blood products in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Niger or Nigeria since 1977 (this list changes frequently; updates are very important) or, | |
You are, or have been a sexual contact of someone in the above list. NOTE: There is a special watch for potential donors who have visited or lived in England/United Kingdom from 1980 to 1999, and those who have lived and/or worked in Western Europe since 1980. |
Accident & Injury: can donate if otherwise healthy | |
Aids: can not donate | |
Allergies: can donate if there is no infection present and there is no treatment ongoing | |
Anemia: defer donation until no symptoms exist | |
Arthritis: can donate if mild and not on medication | |
Asthma: those with severe asthma requiring regular treatment can not donate; can donate ifthere are no symptoms evident | |
Babesiosis: can not donate | |
Blood disorders or bleeding tendencies: can not donate | |
Blood Pressure: acceptable range is 160/90 to 110/60. (see medication section below for medication restrictions.) | |
Brain or spinal surgery that required a transplant of brain covering (dura mater): can not donate | |
Bronchitis: defer donation until four weeks or after recovery | |
CJD: When a Blood relative has been diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), or there is an increased family risk of CJD; can not donate | |
Cancer: Basal cell, squamous cell skin cancers and keratosis; can not donate until removed and healed. Melanoma; can not donate. Malignant tumors; can donate five years after removal of early stage contained solid tumor, no chemotherapy, and in remission | |
Chicken Pox: defer donation until four weeks after recovery | |
Chlamydia: like all other venereal diseases; a minimum of a one year deferral is required | |
Colds, fever, flu, sore throat: can not donate until symptoms (sore throat, cough, respiratory infection, headache) are completely gone | |
Cold Sore, Fever Blister, Canker Sore: can donate | |
Colitis: can not donate | |
Colostomy: can not donate | |
Dementia: can not donate | |
Dengue: defer donation until four weeks after recovery | |
Dermatitis: can donate if mild; defer donation if severe | |
Diabetes: can donate if treatment is by diet control and condition is stable; defer donation if on medication | |
Diarrhea: defer donation until three weeks after recovery | |
Eczema: can donate if mild. defer donation if severe | |
Emphysema: can not donate | |
Filariasis: can not donate | |
Food Poisoning: defer donation for one week after full recovery | |
Gastroenteritis: defer donation for one week after full recovery | |
Gall Stone: can donate if not on medication | |
Gonorrhea/Syphilis: defer donation for one year after complete recovery | |
Gout: can not donate | |
Heart attack: can donate if greater than one year since, and no symptoms present, the attending Blood authority physician must carefully evaluate | |
Heart surgery, Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) or angioplasty: can donate one year after surgery, if no history of heart attack, and the donor is on no medication for the heart (aspirin is okay) | |
Hemochromatosis: can not donate | |
Hepatitis: Hepatitis or undiagnosed jaundice after age ten; can not donate. Positive hepatitis test: can not donate. Can donate if the history of hepatitis is pertaining to mononucleosis or CMV infection | |
Herpes (genital): can donate four weeks after lesions completely clear | |
Leprosy: can not donate | |
Malaria; had Malaria in last three years: defer donation for three years after full recovery (also see Travel and Residency Restrictions below) | |
Pregnancy and Miscarriage: can donate after six weeks of full term normal delivery. Can donate six weeks after termination in third trimester. First or second trimester miscarriage can donate after stable | |
Prostate: can not donate | |
Sexually transmitted diseases - Genital herpes: can not donate until all lesions are completely clear | |
Sickle Cell Trait: can not donate | |
Seizures in the last five Years: can not donate | |
Spondylosis: can donate if feeling well and not under any treatment at all | |
Strokes: can not donate | |
Surgery (all): can donate after healed and released from physician care. | |
Syphilis: see Gonorrhea | |
Thyroid: for Hypothyroid, can donate if feeling well and euthyroid on thyroxine for six months. For Hyperthyroid: can not donate until euthyroid for six months. | |
Tuberculosis: can not donate until two years after complete cure | |
Viral Infection: can donate after cure and off treatment | |
Worms: can donate after complete cure |
Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol): may be taken in normal moderate doses before any Blood donation | |
Accutane: four-week deferral |
Allergy medication: can donate | |
Antibiotics: 72-hour deferral after infection is healed | |
Anti-inflammatory drugs (Advil, Ibuprofen, Motrin and Naprosyn): may not be taken within 24 hours before a platelet donation (some other rules may apply) | |
Aspirin-containing products or Feldene and Lodine XL: may not donate within 36 hours before platelet donation | |
Birth control pills: can donate | |
Blood pressure medication: can donate under present FDA and American Red Cross standards in force | |
Depression medication: can donate | |
Diabetic medication - Injected bovine (beef) insulin since 1980; can not donate | |
Diet pills: can donate | |
Diuretics: can donate | |
Female hormone pills: can donate | |
Any human pituitary-derived hormone (i.e. growth hormone): can not donate | |
Soriatane (Acitretin): three-year deferral | |
Tegison (used to treat a severe skin disorder): can not donate if ever taken | |
Thyroid medication: can donate if stabilized |
Polio, mumps, smallpox: two-week or more deferral | |
Rubella or Rubeola (types of measles): four week deferral | |
Tetanus, diphtheria, flu, Hepatitis B: can not donate until any reaction is over |
Acupuncture: one-year deferral | |
Alcohol: defer donation if consumed in last 12 hours | |
Body piercing: one-year deferral | |
Cocaine: taking through the nose (snorting); one-year deferral minimum, local Blood authority will prevail | |
Dental work - Cleaning and fillings: one-day deferral; Root canal: three-day deferral after work is complete | |
Ear piercing: can donate if the piercing was performed in a doctor’s office (with written verification) otherwise, one-year deferral | |
Electrolysis: defer donation for one year | |
Hepatitis exposure: one-year deferral | |
Menstruation: can donate | |
Rape: one-year deferral | |
Smoker: can donate | |
Tattoo in the last 12 months: one-year deferral | |
Transfusion: defer donation by one year if undergone transfusion with Blood products. Candonate if undergone autologous transfusion only |
England/United Kingdom - visited or lived in from 1980 to 1999: deferred indefinitely (this standard varies between United States FDA and The American Red Cross and the American Association of Blood Banks. | |
Western Europe - visited or lived in since 1980 deferred indefinitely | |
Born in, lived in or had sex with anyone who lived in, or received Blood products in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Niger or Nigeria since 1977 (this list changes frequently; updates are very important): deferral indefinitely. | |
Lived or traveled in an area where Malaria is prevalent (Central America and South America, etc.): three-year deferral, | |
Other international travelers: different restrictions apply as precaution against mad cow disease, depending on what blood bank and region |
For up-to-date information or opinions about American Red Cross rules about Blood donor deferrals, call 1-800-448-3543.